Forum for investigators interested in finding collaborators and new project ideas. The aim of the XDF Programme’s “Project Matchmaking Facility” is to facilitate interactions between IGC biomedical scientists and investigators from numerical disciplines from across Edinburgh. We hope that such interactions will result in long lasting collaborations, new project opportunities for cross-disciplinary fellows and exciting scientific discoveries. If you are a numerical discipline scientist interested in applying your skills and methodology to tackle biomedical problems, and would like to team up with IGC biologist or medic please let us know, we might be able to promote your interests and help you find a perfect collaborator. Similarly, if you have a biomedical problem that needs high level mathematical or computational skills that are beyond your labs current capabilities why not to pair up with somebody from the School of Informatics, Physics or Mathematics and tackle it together? We encourage you to send us your profile, scientific questions you are interested in, or description of a collaboration you are looking for and we will try to find you a suitable collaborator. If you want you might also join one of the XDF Programme social events to meet XDF Programme Fellows and talk to other people involved in the Programme directly. Scientific profiles, expressions of interest and collaboration offers can be send to the XDF Programme administrator. XDF Programme Administrator This article was published on 2022-09-28